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Senate Journal 1837 (30-318514-P100A.pdf)

Friday, Feb. 10[underscored] 190.

Petition of the town of Woolwich that the Surplus Revenue be divided among the several cities, towns and plantations according to the number of inhabitants;

---"--- of Ebenezer Hussey and others, praying that the Surplus Revenue be apportioned to the Rail Road commencing at New Hampshire thence easterly through the State - severally read and referred to the Committee on the Surplus Revenue, in concurrence.

Remonstrance of Sewall Lake and others, against the petition of E. Parker and others, for a Bank at Bucksport - read and referred to the Committee on Banks and Banking, in concurrence.

Petition of Charles Stetson and others, praying for a Canal from Lewiston Falls to Freeport - read and referred to the Committee on Rail Roads and Canals, in concurrence.

Petition of Nathaniel Hatch and others, praying to be incorporated by the name of the Long Cove Granite Company;

---"--- of J. W. Patterson and others, praying to be incorporated by the name of the Augusta and Philidelphia Granite Company severally read and referred to the Committee on Manufactures, in concurrence.

Description: The journal of the Senate documents the proceedings in the chamber, including actions taken on bills, petitions and reports from committees read, and votes taken. The journals are not transcripts and therefore do not include floor speeches that are found in the modern Legislative Records.

Link to document in Digital Maine

Language: English

Date: 1837

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