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Senate Journal 1837 (30-318514-P008B.pdf)

1837. 7.

This branch of the government by so respectable portion of my fellow citizens as are here assembled is a mark of respect to which I cannot be insensible. And permit me gentlemen to present to you my most grateful thanks for the favor with which you have been pleased to honor me on this occasion. I think you must have been governed in your choice more by partiality to me than regard to my qualifications for the office, as I must from necessity, labor under difficulties and embarrassment in discharging the duties, to which many of you would not be subjected. I have many fears that the task is about my ability to perform and I should not attempt it, did I not rely much on your assistance. But considering that many of you are acquainted with me, and that you have given me a unanimous call. I am undivided [?] to accept. With many of you I am personally acquainted, others I have by reputation, and I do not believe you would call me to this auspicious place, for the purpose of throwing embarrassments in my way, but quite to give me all that resistance that will be in your power, and that I shall at all times need, in order to make the duties of the office easy to me and pleasant to yourselves. With these views and expectations, I do with diffidence accept the trust. I shall doubtless often err, but it will be error of judgement and not intentional, for which bespeak your indulgence, I also bespeak your council and advise, at all look, to that source, from which cometh all wisdom. for wisdom to guide us in all our deliberations, so that we may be enabled to discharge the high trust committed to us by our fellow citizens, with credit to ourselves, honor to the State and satisfaction to them and whatever subjects may be presented for our consideration, whether of a public or private character, may we dispose of them with strict regards to the rights of individuals and the general good of the whole - keeping constantly in view the peace and prosperity

Description: The journal of the Senate documents the proceedings in the chamber, including actions taken on bills, petitions and reports from committees read, and votes taken. The journals are not transcripts and therefore do not include floor speeches that are found in the modern Legislative Records.

Link to document in Digital Maine

Language: English

Date: 1837

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