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Investigation of the Committee of the Legislature of 1881 Concerning the Management of the Maine Insane Hospital Part 2


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1066 Q. Not below 68 or above 72? A. No sir, If they vary out of those limits attendants are under obligations to report by telephone and the matter be corrected by Dr. Bulter Q. What time of day is that ? A. All the time that they are up. Q. But not so at night? A.. No Sir Q. From 11 until what hour? A. It varies according to the temperature outside. We often shut off the heat, have several times this winter, as early as seven and that varies from half past seven to 11 and one night this winter it ran all night, the temperature would have run up very high, because we commenced outside with aa temperature of 38 degrees and came out with one degree above in the morning. It didn't turn out to be a very cold night. The record is reported to the superintendent. I rarely if ever see it except knowing there is such a one by Mr. Baker. Q. You said sometimes the heat on the lodge was kept on longer in