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Investigation of the Committee of the Legislature of 1881 Concerning the Management of the Maine Insane Hospital Part 2


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Q. Were you in the habit as night nurse of changing all those who soiled the bedding whenever it occurred? A. Yes I always had orders to that effect, always had plenty of clothing to do it with. By Mr. Hall Q. You did what you were told to do? A. Yes sir By Mr. Butler Q. Was he in this condition , these terrible sores when he came to you ? A. I do not think he was, but they got started and we could not stop them By Mr. Baker Q. Did you use to change the mans bedding before he came into the sick room, was that a part of your duty? A. Yes, If I am not mistaken, he was in the lodge before he came into the sick room Testimony of Henry M Harlow By Mr. Baker Q. Do you remember the case of Googin ? A. Very well Q. What did he die of? A. General paralysis Q. Explain about these sores? A. They were sores which came from the progress of the disease, sloughing