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Investigation of the Committee of the Legislature of 1881 Concerning the Management of the Maine Insane Hospital Part 2


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1110 A.(cont.) by his bed being frequently wet, that was his habit, he was very bad in that respect Q. What did you attendants do about it? A. Changed the clothing when ever it was wet, often several times a day Q. Was everything done for the man in that respect that it was possible to do? A. I should say so Q. Under whos immediate direction were you acting? A. Dr. Neal's Q. Were you giving him medicine under Dr. Neal's directions? A. Yes used to dilute carbolic acid and carbolic soap By Dr. Butler Q. Did you ever hear of any harsh treatment? A. Yes I never saw any that I should call harsh treatment. I never have seen any more violence used than was necessary to subdue a man. Q. You have frequently seen them have to be carried to the lodge? A. Yes sir Q. What should you call harsh treatment? A. If a person was injured I should call it harsh treatment Q. Have you ever seen anybody injured there A.I do not think I ever did, I have seen one