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Senate Journal 1837


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Tuesday, March 28th, 1837


Bill in addition to an Act entitled an Act to relieve the public from the burden of tolls at Back Cove Bridge was read once and eleven o'clock assigned for a second reading.

Bill additional to an Act to incorporate the Kennebec Granite Company,

" additional to an Act to incorporate the City of Bangor __ severally read once and three o'clock in the afternoon assigned for a second reading.

Bill additional regulating elections came up from the House further amended. The Senate recede from the vote passing said Bill to be engrossed, adopt the amendment B proposed by the House, and pass the same to be engrossed as further amended, in concurrence.

Bill to enlarge the powers of Constables in the town of Dixmont was taken up and a passage refused. Sent down for concurrence.

The Joint Select Committee, on so much of the Governor's message as relates to Internal Improvement, reported that any further appropriations to that board for Internal improvements are inexpedient ___ read and accepted, in concurrence.

Resolve providing for an examination into the doings of York Bank came up amended. The