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House Journal 1836


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Wednesday March 30th 1836

Met according to adjournment.

On motion of Mr Allen of Bangor Ordered, That the Committee accounts be instructed to allow the claims of such adjutant & Brigade Inspector, who produce a satisfactory evidence of having performed their duty excepting making their returns, when returns were not made to them by the proper officer provided the claim of each does not exceed fifteen dollars. Sent up for concurrence.

Messrs Thuing of Woolwich, Foster of Amherst & Eddy of Corinth have leave of absence from and after tomorrow -

Bill - An Act to establish a State Bank was called up and on motion of Mr Hamlen of Hampden Ordered that 2000 Copies of the Report & Bill be printed for the use of the members - that the Bill be referred to the next Legislature and published in all the papers which shall publish the laws of the State.

Bill - An Act supplementary to an act for the relief of poor debtors, reported in a new draft, was read once and 300 copies ordered to be printed for the use of the members

Bill - An Act incorporating the Vassalboro Paper Manufacturing Company, was read 1st & 2d time and tomorrow at ten oclock assigned for a 3d reading

Report on an order relative to altering an act for