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House Journal 1836


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it would be strange indeed if it did not pervade these halls and call for an unusual increase of legislative action. It has been so, and therfore has the session been protected more than usual. But compared to the business accomplished, the session has by no means been a long one.

I do most cheerfully bear testimony to the ability, assiduity and fidelity with which you have discharged the highest trust that can be confided by the sovereign people to anybody of men, that of making laws for their government and protection, and to the good feeling & good spirit one towards another that has prevailed among you. Our labors are now closed, and the time of separation has come; and though anxious all to return to our respective constituents, families & friends, in whom our highest confidence is reposed and reciprocated, yet associated closely as we have been for the last twelve weeks, and laboring together like a band of brothers, in a common cause, to promote the interests of the people and the honor of the State, we cannot but feel the pain, which the occasion of bidding adieu to those whose good qualities have won our respect, esteem, and even warm attachment, will ever induce.

May you all gentlemen, have a safe and welcome return to the bosoms of your famlies and friends. You carry with you the highest esteem and confidence of one who has received at your hands what kindness and honor that he can never fail to appreciate. If in aught he has done differently at the moment from what you could have wished, he asks for the exercise of that spirit of foregiveness, which all must hope to have entended each to himself from him who knows and judges all.

I again tender you may heartfelt thanks for