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House Journal 1836


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their vote passing the same to be enacted propose a Conference and appoint as conferees Messrs Hobbs of Eastport, Holmes of Alfred & Smith of Westbrook.

Bill - An Act to incorporate the Penobscot Bank was read a third time & passed to be engrossed as amended - and the question was decided by yeas and nays as follows yeas 95 nays 53 [see appendix page 218.] Sent up for concurrence.

Bill - An Act to incorporate the Anson Bank - - " to incorporate the Brunswick Bank - - " to increase the Capital Stock of the Northern Bank at Hallowell were severally read a third time & passed to be engrossed.

Bill - An Act to incorporate the Nequemkeag Bank - - " to increase the Capital Stock of the Skowhegan Bank - were severally read 1st & 2d time & tomorrow at ten oclock assigned for a 3d reading.

The Committee on engrossed Bills reported as truly engrossed Bill - An Act to establish the Maine New Hampshire and Massachusetts Rail road Corporation which was passed to be enacted. Sent up for concurrence.

The House reconsidered their vote passing to be engrossed Bill - An Act to incorporate the Frontier Bank & amended the same by striking out the words "and twenty five" and ordered the Bill to be reengrossed. Sent up for concurrence.