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Investigation of the Committee of the Legislature of 1881 Concerning the Management of the Maine Insane Hospital Part 2


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A ( cont. ) feet in length we carried the air from these windows along the length of a very long coil containing considerably more than a mile of pipe of the same size, and it was carried along and the box gradually reduced so that air was taken out of it by offset, the box was reduced all the way along until it runs down to a very small point where it had the last offset, and these offset from these flues were let into these little apertures in the bottom of the coil heated and passed on onto this third wing. owing to some error to our figures or something connected with that long flue we didn't get so we understood it for sometime, and during the first part of the winter when we had very cold weather there were two perhaps three days for some hours in the morning we could not get those halls up to the superintendents limits. At such time as that the engineers, myself and some others did the best we could to bring it up. Q. and What are the limits? A. 68 and 72