File #6080: "ms158_b3f003_006.03.pdf"




[Entire page struck through with two penciled diagonals:]

Clossian, Glasseen, Classeen

There were four brothers

Piel Clossian, or Peter Clossian Newell Clossian, the Indian doctor and dandy Swasen Clossian, a good canoe builder, grave & tall Joe Clossian.

The families of the last three and I believe of the men themselves died at Norwalk {Conn.} of small pox

Piel never married

The only other of the name was Sebat Clossian

Gen. John Blake's Roster of 1814, 1815 gives none of the name " " " " of 1818, gives Crossen Wasses (i.e. Clossian Wasses) and Polis Wasses, Probably the 4 brothers were sons of Clossian Wasses & so cousins to Joseph Polis.


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