File #5952: "ms158_b1f017_003.14.pdf"




�447 Marlboro St. April 5/36

Dear Mr. Eckstorm,

I needn't say I was glad to see you, though there wasn't enough of it. Your call started me going a bit on old cases. Had done little lately. An unexpected side light that turned up complicated [?] as more than [?]. Conegticut took shape, at last, + Ripogeness. One just [?] with [?] 446 pp. rather a job. Got a vocab of 41-43 oo titles.

[?] [?], [?] 6 [?] mostly they are simple, later I will take them up.

Your warning about my [?] [?] is [?] in order, but it was only [?] material. I do [?] about everything, Indian or white. Am gaining a little on the language,


Needs Review

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