File #5950: "ms158_b1f017_003.12.pdf"




�447 Marlboro St Dec [?]/30

Dear Mrs. Eckstorm,

I can't think of [?] [?] as anything, but our [?] peninsula word. Here it is [?] [?] mostly as in Shawmut. You get the ending as [?], present Potomac.

Re [?], I [?] have listed [?] [?] forms that are mostly not [?] true words. This is unkindness, for I can't clear them up yet. I've an idea the [?] is valid, the [?] standing for [?] long. And my troubles about the [?] type here lead toward [?] as a boundary term, v. [?], divisions, boundary, fence. The words for beyond also change into boundary terms, and I shouldn't wonder if your [?] [?] + [?] anmes both [?] the other side idea, whether used [?] a boundary [?] or not.

My first look at the [?] [?] + items on the map brought up [?], which [?] thought meanst doubled up, [?] [?] isn't. I don't think the [?] form applies. Then I fully accept the form + meaning Sylvia + Fannie [?]. They were


Needs Review

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