File #30961: "30-318514-P097A.pdf"




Thurs. Feb. 9.[underscored]
Report of the Warden of State Prison and of the Inspectors of State Prison were taken up and severally referred to the Committee on State Prison.
Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of the Great Works Bridge;
Resolve authorizing the lending of money by the State - severally read the second time and recommitted.
Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Bill establishing the Salary of the Secretary of State (laid upon the table by Mr. Greene) - read and referred to a Joint Select Committee consisting of Messrs. Greene, Magoun and Carr with such as the House may join.
Sent down for concurrence.
Concurred and Messrs. Vance of Calais, Codman of Portland, Levensaler of Thomaston, Wells of Hallowell, Shapleigh of Elliot; Gross of Turner and Pierce of Harrison were joined.
Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of the Great Marsh Stream Bridge (reported by Mr. Swift, from the Committee on Roads and Bridges on petition of Holmes Nash Junior and others;
---"--- to authorize the Georgia Lumber Company to keep an office and transact business within this State (reported by Mr. Green from the Select Committee


Needs Review