File #30957: "30-318514-P095A.pdf"




Wed. Feb. 8. [underscored]
Bill to incorporate the Greene Shoe and Leather Manufacturing Company (reported by same on petition of Merrick Lamb and others;)
__"__ to incorporate the New York and Maine Granite Company (reported by same on petition of D. Mallory and others;)
__"__ to incorporate the Maine Granite Company (reported by same on petition of William W. Woodbury and others;)
__"__ to incorporate the Casco Granite Company (reported by same on petition of Otis Soomer and others;)
__"__ to incorporate the Orland Woolen Manufacturing Company (reported by same on petition of John Atkinson and others;)
Resolved authorizing the lending of money by the State (reported by Mr. Greene from the Committee on the Surplus Revenue) severally read once and tomorrow at eleven o'clock assigned for a second reading.
Bill to incorporate the Charleston Academy came up from the House amended. The Senate reconsider their vote passing the same to be engrossed, adopt the amendment proposed by the House and further amend the same and pass the Bill to be engrossed as amended.
Sent down for concurrence. concurred.
Bill[doubled underscored] creating the Village of Stillwater a Corporation for certain purposes;


Needs Review