File #30930: "30-318514-P081B.pdf"




Petition of Otis Loomen and others, praying to be incorporated by the name of the Casco Granite Company;
-"- of W.W. Woodbury and others, praying to be incorporated by the name of the Maine Granite Company;
-"- of Joel How and others, praying to be incorporated by the name of the Damariscove Granite Company;
-"- of the Directors of Portland Thread Company, praying for alteration of name, - severally read and referred to the committee on Manufactures, in concurrence.
Petition of Edward Kent and others, praying that the laws licensing the sale of ardent spirits be repealed and others be enacted prohibiting the sale thereof, except for medicines and the arts came up referred to a Joint Select Committee, consisting on the part of the House of Messrs. Appleton of Portland, Clark of North, Berwick, Sewall of Bath, Clark of North Berwick, Sewall of Bath, Holt of Livermore, Holmes of Winthrop, Connor of Fairfield, Higgins of Eden, Eaton of Robbinston, Eddy of Corinth and Knowltone of Montville, with such as the Senate may join - read and referred and Messrs. Magoun, Ham, Severance, Staples and F. Redman are joined, in concurrence.
Petition of Philip Morrell and others, praying that the traffic in spiritous liquors may be declared illegal - read and referred to the same committee, in concurrence.


Needs Review