File #30504: "14-354688-F019-I001-P1124.pdf"




Q.(cont.) you were preparing food do you recollect that there was ever was a case of very bad, tainted, unwholesome meat sent from the kitchen into the wards?
A. Yes sir
Q. How many case do you think you had?
A. I could nit tell you, not a great many. Could not tell how many came to my notice, but not a great many.
Q. Would you think it would be as many as 6?
A. It may be, not over that. I would not like to state with strict accuracy
Q. But you think it would not be over 6 in how many years?
A. 6 years
Q. When there was one of these cases that came to your knowledge, how did it come to your notice?
A. From the officers
Q. They had to speak to you of it?
A. Yes sir
Q. Did you at such times see a disposition on their part to conceal the fact that there was some poor meats that had gone into the halls?
A. I never did
Q. Or did you see a disposition to call your attention quite openly to that fact?
A. I did
Q. Did you ever receive any instruction

