File #30490: "14-354688-F018-I001-P1116.pdf"




A. Yes sir I could not tell what he was doing.
Q. Was he standing on a chair?
A. No he may have gotten hold of the gas fixture in some way
Q. Swinging on it?
A. He may have been, I do not remember, I think he had a hold of it.
Q. Do you remember whether the attendant struck him in the stomach and doubled him up or not?
A. I think he did, There was no doubling up at all, if there had been I should have discharged him in the spot.
Q. The attendant went to him abruptly?
A. He went as though he wanted to prevent his doing any damage.
Q, He did not strike him in the stomach and double him up as Crowel said?
A. No sir
Q. The man did not come down all in a heap?
A. No sir
Q. What did you reprimand the attendant for
A. I wanted to caution him against being rough, I thought he was a little rough in his movements, in his way of approaching him

