File #29339: "30-318951-P370A.pdf"




Orders referred. Cont.
Committee on Public Building.
Order relative to a Stone flagging, 70
"-"- to window in Senate Chamber, 108
"-"- to warming State House, 152
"-"- to procuring an Engine - 240
Committee on Interior Fisheries .
Order relative to the Inspection of Fish, 64
Select Committees,
Order relative to Broad rimmed Wheels in the County of Washington, 50
"-" to the Election of President and Vice President of U.S. - 61
"-" to the purchase of Library, 131. 69
"-" to the raising of Mulberry trees, and the Culture of Silk, 70
"- to central die State Printing, 74. 87. 333.
"- relative to hearing So. Stock bason 93
"- relative to establishing bounds of Militia Companies, 134
"-" to holding two sessions a day, 160
"-" to member absenting themselves without leave, &c, 173
"-" to remunerating innocent persons, who have been prosecuted for crimes, &c 240
"-" to providing for a court. on Indian affairs, 246.


Needs Review