File #29325: "30-318951-P363A.pdf"




Laberee Seth, Election Councilor, 31
Lafayette Bank, incorporated,
Land agent, Report of,
Lands, Bill add. to promote sale & settlement of,
Laws of the State, Resolve providing for the _____ promulgation of,
Leave of absence, granted to Sundry persons, (see A.)
Lewiston Academy, Bill add. respecting,
" " Resolve in favor of,
" Bill to set off a tract of land from, to Greene, \
" Resolve in favor of town of
Library, Order in relation to, 69
" Resolve for the purchase of,
Little Josiah S. have leave of absence 191
Little, of Portland " " 213
Lirhman of Boothby " 368
Linneus, Town of incorporation " 305. 317. 326
Lincoln Manufac. Co Bill to incor. 180. 185. 224
Lime Bunners Bank, Bill to incor.
Lime Burning Co. Waldoboro', Bill to incor.
Lime Rock Bank, Bill to incor.
Lincoln, County of, Bill altering the time of a term ___ of Jud. Courts in.
" County, Bill to establish Registry of Deeds in Eastern District of,
Lincolnville Soap House & Lime Burning Co. Bill to incorporate.
Littlefield, Solomon, Resolve for the relief of,
Livingston Academy, Bill to incorporate,
Loan, Temporary, in behalf of the State Resolve and authorizing
Log Driving Company, Nanaquagas [?], Bill to incur.
Logs, Masts & Spars, &c Bill to secure to secure their property in,
Lord of Kennebunk, has leave of absence, 376


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