File #28972: "30-318951-P369B.pdf"




Orders referred. Cont.
Committee on Manufactures.
Order relative to exempting Manufacturing Companies from taxation, 55
"-" to Lime & Lime Casks, 78
"-" to inspection of Pot & Pearl ashes, 121. 136
"-" to Manufacturing Companies, 125. 142
"-" to regulate size & quality of Brick, 200. 288. 341.
Committee on accounts.
Order relative to furnishing Courts with Blanks, 92
"-" to allowing ants. of Brig. Inspectors, &c, 169
"-" to auditing accounts, 173
"-" to payments of Accounts, 272
"-" to repealing an act relative to Bounty on animals 371.
"-" to allowing accounts of certain Military Officers - 380. 391.
Committee on Parishes,
Order relative to Parishes, 207. 75


Needs Review