File #28971: "30-318951-P208A.pdf"




Bill - An Act to incorporate the Bucksport Mill and Water Power Company, was read twice & referred to the next Legislature. Sent up for concurrence.
Report on an order relative to an Engine for the Public Buildings - and on an order relative to warming the State House with hot air, that the committee on those subject be discharged was read & accepted in concurrence.
The Committee on Banks & Banking were discharged from any further service in concurrence.
Report on the petition of Timothy F Hanscom & others -
granting leave to withdraw, was read & accepted
Sent up for concurrence.
Resolve relating to the election of President and Vice President, came from the Senate with the report thereon accepted and the Resolves passed to be engrossed - The House amended the Report of the Committee and passed the Resolves marked ss, to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence. The question on amending said Report was decided by yeas and nays as follows yeas 89 nays 37 [See appendix page 258.]
Bill - An Act to establish a Seminary for the purpose of promoting useful learning, and the better qualifying Primary School Teachers was read a third time & amended & then referred to the next Legislature Sent up for concurrence.
Resolve for the endowment of the Maine Teachers Seminary was read a third time & referred to the next


Needs Review