File #28966: "30-318951-P368A.pdf"




Orders referred. cont.
Committee on the Judiciary. Cont.
Order, relative to the time of the setting of the Jud. Courts, in Lincoln County, 292.
" - " to establishing another term of the S.J. Court in Washington Co. 296. 328
" - " to changing the appropriation of fortification. &c acquiring from the License law, and for Pounds, - 306
" - " to ascertaining the State of Pauperism, within this State, 316
" - " to regulating the compensation of Co. atty. 334
" - " to increasing the tax on Banks, 354
Committee on Literature
Order, relative to inflicting corporal punishment on Students of Colleges and academics, &c. 76
" -" to the improvement of Colleges, &c. 86
" -" to School Returns, 104
" -" to the instruction of Youth, 111. 126. 152. 187.
" -" to School Commissioners, 143. 197.
" -" to School Returns from towns, 145
" -" to furnishing Library for academics, &c, 156
" -" to Schools, 203
" -" to repealing a Resolve for the appointment of School Commissioners, 240
" -" to the location of School house, 287


Needs Review