File #28955: "30-318951-P204A.pdf"




feasant came from the Senate referred to the next Legislature for concurrence, and the House concurred.
The House reconsidered their vote of today accepting the Report on the order to enquire into the expediency of ceding to the United States Lands & and referred the same to the Committee on the Judiciary with instructions to report a Bill. Sent up for concurrence.
Message from the Governor [see appendix page 20.] transmitting Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Pennsylvania, relative to the distribution of the proceeds arising from the sale of the Public Lands, & for other purposes - came from the Senate - and in the House read & sent up.
Mr Whitney of Calais has leave of absence from and after tomorrow.
Bill - An Act to regulate private booms on Kennebec River -
which passed to be enacted in this House came from the Senate amended - The House reconsider their votes so far as to agree to the proposed amendments, further amend the Bill & order the same to be reengrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
The Committee on engrossed Bills reported as truly engrossed
Bill - An Act to incorporate the Capital Stock of the Ticonic Bank -
- " to incorporate the Medomak Bank -
- " to incorporate the Granite Bank -
- " to incorporate the Frankfort Bank -
- " to incorporate the Globe Bank -
- " to incorporate the Lafayette Bank -


Needs Review