File #28604: "30-318951-P221B.pdf"




It will be laid before you by special message.
It affords me pleasure to say to you, that the Baring and Houlton road has at length been completed, and that the agent for superintending its construction has made a Report of his doings to the Office of the Secretary of State, agreeably tp a provision of the Resolve upon this subject of March 5, 1832.
I have received information from the Land agent, that under a Resolve of the last Legislature for the benefit of certain officers and soldiers of the Revolutionary War, and the windows of the deceased Officers and Soldiers," he has issued already two hundred and twenty - seven certificates, entitling the holders to as many lots of land of two hundred acres each. This is the whole number of lots, which the townships appropriated for this purpose are estimated to contain, exclusive of reservations for public used additional claims have been presented to the Land Agent and by him approved. In order therefore to any into full effect the original Resolve, I would submit to your consideration the expediency of making some further appropriation to satisfy these claims.
It will be recollected that the Legislature of 1828 appropriate twenty townships of land to create a land, the income of which was to be applied to the support of primary schools. These townships have been selected and three of them have been cotted [?] for the purpose of being sold during the current year. Some Legislative provision is necessary for the investment of this fund.
An enactment is also needed for the investment of the land belonging to the Penobscot Tribe of Indians. This on the first day of the present month amounts to sixty-two thousand, seven hundred and thirty seven dollars, and twenty one cents, - fifty thousand


Needs Review