File #28589: "30-318951-P214A.pdf"




Providence who manages the tempest and directs the storms and controls the elements at his pleasure, and can with equal readiness control the passions of mortals and imbue them with paternal affection which is the bond of good society and in no small degree no doubt to those excellent rules which have guided our deliberations, & by their proper administration by him who has filled the chair to honorably to himself and so useful to the State.
And there I cannot forbear adverting to the fact still in my recollection on, that our excellent Clerk informed us at the commencement of the present session that he should not again be a candidate for the office he now holds, nor of calling to my mend his valuable services at the commencement of our present Government, and during the many sessions he has officiated at the desk, and as early associations are always very enduring. I have found it perfectly so in the present case, and of presume are equally so to very many of our citizens who have from time to time associated with him in the arduous duties of Legislation.
I have felt it suitable and fell confident that yourself and the House will so consider it, to make this allusion as a just tribute of respect towards that Officer. With these remarks, I ask leave to lay on the Clerks table a Resolve which I trust will be approved unanimously.
The Clerk read the Resolve as follows
Resolved, That the thanks of this House be tendered to the Hon. Jonathan Cilley, for the correct, impartial and dignified manner in which he has performed the arduous and complicated duties of the Chair, during the present protracted session, & that when we separate he will carry with him the best wishes of this House for his health and safe return to his home, and that in the bosom of his family and in the Society of his Constitu-


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