File #27851: "30-318951-P163B.pdf"




Resolve directing the printing of certain Documents -
- on Col. Stephen H Longs Report on the routs from the Sea Board of Maine to the Canadian Frontier -
were severally read once & tomorrow at 10 o'clock assigned for a second reading.
Resolve in favor of John Hodgdon, was read a second time & referred to Messrs Fletcher of Thomaston, Holmes of Alfred , Hunt of Gorham, Foster of Pembroke & Potter of Augusta, with such as the Senate may join, with instructions to ascertain the expenses of the Land Department & the proprietary of depositing all monies or notes arising from the sale of lands, in the hands of the State Treasurer. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill - An Act to incorporate the Clinton Company -
- An Act to incorporate the town of Linneus [?] -
were severally read a 3d time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
Resolve in favor of Waterville College -
- for the endowment of the Maine Teachers Seminary
- An additional Resolve relating to the Blind -
were severally read a second time & ordered to lie on the table.
Resolve in favor of Titcomb Belgrade Academy,
was read a second time & indefinitely postponed and the question was decided by yeas & nays as follows yeas 119 nays 41. [see appendix page 106] Sent up for concurrence.
Resolve for the benefit of Lewiston Falls Academy was read a second time & indefinitely postponed. Sent up for concurrence.


Needs Review