File #27850: "30-318951-P163A.pdf"




was called up & referred to the Committee on change of names.
On motion of Mr Richardson of Portland
Ordered That the joint standing Committee on the Judiciary, be instructed to inquire into the expediency of taking measures to ascertain accurately the state of Pauperism in this State. Sent up for concurrence.
The Committee on engrossed Bills reported as truly engrossed
Bill - An Act to incorporate the Readfield, Winthrop and Cobbossee Center Canal & Rail road Company -
- An Act to incorporate the Penobscot Mutual Fire Insurance Company -
- An Act to incorporate the Monmouth Mutual Fire Insurance Company
which were severally passed to be enacted. Sent up for concurrence.
The same Committee reported as truly engrossed
Resolve to legalize certain Official acts of Timothy Copp which was read & finally passed. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill - An Act to incorporate the Frankfort Mercantile Wharf Company,
Bill - An Act to incorporate the Calais Steam Boar Company
- An Act to incorporate the town of Kingsbury
- An Act to incorporate the Saltwater Falls Company -
were severally read 1st & 2d time & tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for a 3d reading -


Needs Review