File #27822: "30-318951-P149A.pdf"




Report on the petition of Thomas J Redlou [?] & others granting leave to withdraw
came from the Senate accepted for concurrence - and the House amended the report by referring the subject to the next Legislature. Sent up for concurrence.
Report on petition of William Fitch & others, referring the same to the next Legislature -
was read & accepted in concurrence.
The Committee on engrossed Bills reported as truly engrossed
Bill - An Act to establish the Androscoggin Canal and Mill Corporation -
- An Act to incorporate the Eastport Manufacturing Company -
- An Act to incorporate the Penobscot Mill and Manufacturing Company
which was severally passed to be enacted. Sent up for concurrence.
The same Committee reported as truly engrossed.
Resolve - in favor of Enoch Cordwell -
- authorizing the acting Quarter General to convey a lot of land, and to dispose of the Gun house in Bangor
- in favor of James W Webster -
- for the preservation of the Mars Hill Road -
- in favor of Alexander Boothby -
which were severally finally passed. Sent up for concurrence
Bill - An Act prohibiting the emission & circulation of Bank Bills of a small denomination & certain others was further considered - and on motion of Mr Merrit of Jay the second section was stricken out and a new section as on Slip R subtitled in lieu thereof - and then the House further discussed the provisions of the Bill, but before any other


Needs Review