File #27785: "30-318951-P130B.pdf"




The order of the two Houses fixing upon the time of holding two sessions a day was amended in concurrence with the Senate so as to provide that the two Houses hold two sessions each day from and after the tenth day of March inst commencing at 9 oclock AM and at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
Bill - An Act to incorporate the St. Croix Navigation Company, came from the Senate further amended for concurrence, and the House passed the Bill to be engrossed in concurrence.
Bill - An additional act respecting Bridges, was read a 3d time & indefinitely postponed and the question was taken by yeas & nays and decided as follows Yeas 97 nays 58 [See appendix page 61.] Sent up for concurrence.
Report on the petition of Samuel Hudson & others referring the same to the Committee on Interior Waters was read & accepted in concurrence.
Petition of Robert M.N. Smyth & others for leave to construct a Boom
was read & referred to the Committee on Interior Waters. in concurrence.
Petition a Enoch Smith & others for leave to change their names
was read & referred to the Committee on change of Names.
And the House adjourned.
James L Child


Needs Review