File #27757: "30-318951-P116B.pdf"




-ting Judicial process and proceedings" passed March 21 1835 and establish the fees of Justices of the Peace as they were before that act was passed. for concurrence and the House concurred.
An order came from the Senate directing that no petition of a private nature be received by the Legislature from and after the fourth day of March next - and the House amended the same so as to direct "that all petitions of a private nature received by the Legislature from and after the fourth day of March next be referred without committed, to the next Legislature without special direction to the contrary. Sent up for concurrence.
The Committee in Finance to whom the subject was referred - Reported
That a State Tax is not necessary for the purpose of defraying the current expenses of the Government & the current year and ought not to be assessed on the inhabitants of this State - and the report was accepted. Sent up for concurrence.
Petition of Elliot G Vaughan and others for aid in the exploration & location of a road from Bangor to Moosehead Lake was read and referred to the Committee on State lands
Sent up for concurrence.
The House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, on the Bill entitled "an Additional Act to regulate Banks by prohibiting the emission and circulation of Bank Bills of a small denomination" Mr McIntire of Parsonsfield in the Chair, and remaining some time therein, the committee rose reported progress and asked and obtained leave to sit again.


Needs Review