File #27714: "30-318951-P095A.pdf"




Saturday February 13th 1836
Met according to adjournment
Report of the Committee on banks & Banking made on the 9th inst, was read & accepted in concurrence.
Leave to Withdraw was ordered in concurrence on Petition of John H White & others -
Bill - An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Cumberland Steam Navigation Company was read 1st & 2d time & Monday next at 10 oclock assigned for a 3d reading.
Bill - An Act to incorporate the Sandford Manufacturing Company, was read 1st & 2d time & Monday next at 10 oclock assigned for a 3d reading.
Bill - An Act to incorporate the Lincoln Manufacturing Company, was read 1st & 2d time & Monday next at 10 o'clock assigned for a 3d reading.
Bill - An Act to incorporate the Beech Woods Cemetery, was read a third time, and amended by changing the name of the corporation to "Elm Grove Cemetery" and then passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill - An Act defining certain rights & duties of Rail Road Corporations, was read 1st & 2d time and assigned for a 3d reading at 10 oclock on Monday next.
Bill - An Act to incorporate the Sullivan Granite Company, was read a 1st & 2d time & Monday next at 10 o'clock assigned for a 3d reading.


Needs Review