File #27699: "30-318951-P087B.pdf"




Bill - An Act to fix the compensation of superintending School Committees was called up and on motion of Mr Hobbs indefinitely postponed. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill - An Act to establish the Piscataqua Ferry Company, was read a 3d time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
Petitions of Ephraim Packard & others -
- of Richmond Loung & others -
each praying for an appropriation on the State road leading from Brighton to Moosehead Lake, was read & referred to the Committee on State Roads. Sent up for concurrence.
Petition of Robert M.N. Smith & others to be incorporated as the Bangor Lower Stillwater Mill Company & also for authority to construct a boom across the Penobscot was read & referred to the Committee on Manufactures
Sent up for concurrence.
Petition of Asa Brown & others of Newhaven to be annexed the Farmington
was read & referred to the Committee on Division of Towns. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill - An Act to incorporate the St Croix Navigation Company was called up & recommitted.
Resolve in favor of William Jordan Junr, was read a second time & passed to be engrossed, and the question was decided by yeas & Nays as follows yeas 100 nays 29. [See appendix page 47.] Sent up for concurrence.


Needs Review