File #27686: "30-318951-P081A.pdf"




On motion of Mr Woodbury of Minot,
Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary, be instructed to enquire into the expediency of so far altering the law - regulating the giving of bonds by Constables and Collectors that when the Treasurer of any town's chosen Constable or Collector, he shall give bonds to the Selectmen. Sent up for concurrence.
On motion by Mr Tiffany of Sidney
Ordered, That the Committee of Literature &c be instructed to inquire into the expediency of so amending the 3d sec. of an act approved March 11 1834 providing for the education of youth, that whenever any superintending School Committee shall expel from any school any obstinately disobedient, & disorderly Scholar, the same may be removed by some speedy process of law. Sent up for concurrence.
On motion by Mr Wilson of Bingham
Ordered That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to enquire into the expediency of so modifying our criminal code that any person who may be committed for a supposed offense and who on trial shall be found innocent may have some remuneration for he's sufferings and loss of time. Sent up for concurrence
On motion of Mr Richardson of Portland
Ordered That the Committee on Public Buildings be instructed to enquire into the expediency of Warming the State House, with hot air furnaces. Sent up for concurrence.
Petition of the Trustees of the Titcomb Belgrade Academy for aid was read & referred to the Committee on Literature &c. Sent up for concurrence.


Needs Review