File #27674: "30-318951-P075A.pdf"




Wednesday February 3d 1836
Met according to adjournment
Order of Notice was reported on
Petition of Moses Burley & others -
- " Columbus Duren & others -
accepted. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill - An Act to set of Nathaniel Carvil from the town of Warren and annex him to the town of Camden, was read 1st & 2d time & tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a third reading
Resolve allowing Treasurer compensation for Clerk hire, was read once and tomorrow at ten oclock assigned for a second reading.
Report on the petition of Moses F Kimball and others referring the subject to the Committee on the Judiciary, was accepted in concurrence.
Bill - An Act additional to an Act to provide for the Inspection of Hops for exportation, was read a 1st & 2d time and ordered lie on the table
On motion by Mr Eastman of Strong,
Ordered, That the Committee on the Militia be instructed to enquire into the expediency of providing by law, that musicians, Field and Staff Officers, who shall appear and perform military duty on days of inspection and review of arms as by law requested shall receive the same compensation as soldiers and company officers are more - entitled to by the 28th section of the Militia law passed March 8th 1834 - Sent up for concurrence.

