File #27637: "30-318951-P056B.pdf"




Present Legislature, on the subject of gambling that Legislation is inexpedient, was read & accepted in concurrence with the Senate.
Bill - An Act to incorporate the town of Madrid was read a third time & passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.
Report of the Warden of the State Prison, laid before the House by the Speaker to whom the same was addressed, was read ordered to lie on the table & 500 copies there of together with the inspectors. Report for the last quarter be printed for the use of the Legislature
Report, ordering Notice on the petitions of Benjamin F Tallman & others &c Aaron Putnam & others
were severally read & accepted in concurrence with the Senate.
Bill - An Act to incorporate the Proprietors of Mount Desert Bridge, was read a third time and passed to be engrossed as amended. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill - An Act to increase the capital Stock of Maine Bank, was read a second time, when a motion was made to amend - the Bill & amendment was ordered to lie on the table until tomorrow at 10 oclock
Report on the order of the 13th of January relative to enlarging the Equity powers of the Supreme Judicial Court, that legislation is inexpedient was read & accepted in concurrence with the Senate.

