File #27575: "30-318951-P025B.pdf"




To the Committee on Literary Institutions.
Bill establishing an Academy at Princeton -
Resolve in favor of Lewiston Academy -
- in favor of Anson Academy -
- in favor of Falmouth Academy -
To the Committee on the Judiciary.
Report on the Order respecting Gambling -
- on the petition of Peter Adams in behalf of the first private burial Ground Society in Union
Bill providing for the election of County Commissioners
- regulating attachment on Real Estate -
- in addition to an Act relating to the settlement and the support of the Poor -
To the Committee on Division &c of Counties.
Report on the petition of sundry towns in Hancock County for the removal of the shire to Ellsworth
To the Committee on the Militia.
Resolve providing for the purchase of site for a Gun House in Paris
To the Committee on Manufactures.
Bill - an additional act respecting Manufacturing Companies
To the Committee on State Lands.
Report on the petition of the Trustees of the town of Burlington to be paid for timber sold by permission of the Land Agent
To the committee on the Treasurers Report
Report on County Treasurers Salaries
On motion by Mr Maine of Dearborne
Ordered That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to enquire into the expediency of modifying the Laws so as to provide a more speedy & less expensive method for the recovery of Stray Beasts than that by impounding them. Sent up for concurrence.

